
Where Fairytale comes to life

Stepping into the magical realm

Scotland is probably my favourite country to visit in the United Kingdom, mainly because of its culture and landscape.

Do you remember the scene where Harry Potter first arrived at Diagon Alley in the first movie? Upon my arrival at the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, I was having the same emotion as Harry, constantly smiling while being amazed by those medieval architectures. It felt like I was being transported back to the medieval period just by walking around Royal Mile and Victoria Street. My impression of Scottish people is that they are very humorous and humble people. I meet some local people at the hostel who shows me around and introduce me to Scottish delicacy. Almost everywhere I go, I can hear the sound of Scottish bagpipes being played at shops, by busker and even the hostel I am staying at. After leaving the city to venture the highlands, the sound of the bagpipes still remain in my head! 

Isle of Skye is probably the most famous place in Scotland and is also the highlight of the trip during my three months there. I took a bus from Fort William to Skye and as I was looking through the window, I thought I was in some sort of Disney story book I’ve read when I was young. The landscape in Skye is truly breath taking with medieval castles and dramatic landscapes along the road. You can imagine why there are some places in Skye named after Fairy. The only thing I regret is not renting a car. Public transport in Skye is really horrible. There some route that only operate 2-3 buses per day and some famous landmark don’t even have any public transport to get there. 

Skye isn’t the only island in western Scotland worth visiting. The Isle of Mull and Lewis has also dead gorgeous views of Scottish mountains, beaches and coastlines. Glencoe is another place worth the visit that is near to Fort William. Weather in Scotland is very unpredictable and can change dramatically. For example, it can have 10 minute of sunshine follow by 10 minute of downpour. Always bring your raincoat and waterproof equipment even though it’s a sunny day.

Weather you’re after stunning landscapes, medieval architectures or cultural experience, Scotland has it all. Discover the spirit of Scotland!